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Way Back Into Love

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 品冠 / 一切为了爱(女)I've been lIvIng wIth a shadow overhead
I've been sleepIng wIth a c@R_323_2950@ above mY bed
I've been lonelY for so long
Trapped In the past, I jUst can't seem to move on
(男)I've been hIdIng all mY hopes and dreams awaY
JUst In case I ever need them agaIn somedaY
I've been settIng asIde tIme
To clear a lIttle space In the corners of mY mInd
(合)All I wanna do Is fInd a waY back Into love
I can't make It throUgh wIthoUt a waY back Into love
Oh oh oh
(女)I've been watchIng bUt The Stars refUse to shIne
I've been searchIng bUt I jUst don't see the sIgns
I know that It's oUt there
There's gotta be somethIng for mY soUl somewhere
(男)I've been lookIng for @R_165_1575@ to shed some Light
Not someBody jUst to get me throUgh the nIght
I coUld Use some dIrectIon
And I'm open @R_165_2186@r sUggestIons
(合)All I wanna do Is fInd a waY back Into love
I can't make It throUgh wIthoUt a waY back Into love
And If I open mY heart agaIn
I gUess I'm hopIng YoU'll be there for me In the end
(女)There are moments when I Don't know If It's real
Or If anYBody Feels the waY I feel
I need InspIratIon
Not jUst another negotIatIon
(合)All I wanna do Is fInd a waY back Into love
I can't make It throUgh wIthoUt a waY back Into love
And If I open mY heart @R_165_2186@
I'm hopIng YoU'll show me what to do
And If YoU help me to start agaIn
YoU know that I'll be there for YoU In the end

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