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Dancing Queen

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 品冠 / Need U MostdancIng qUeen@H_239_0@ @H_239_0@ YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe@H_239_0@ see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen@H_239_0@ @H_239_0@ frIdaY nIght and the Lights are Low@H_239_0@ lookIng oUt for the place to go@H_239_0@ where theY Play the rIght mUsIc, gettIng In the swIng@H_239_0@ YoU come In to look for a kIng@H_239_0@ anYBody coUld be that gUY@H_239_0@ nIght Is YoUng and the mUsIcs hIgh@H_239_0@ wIth a bIt of rock mUsIc, everYthIng Is fIne@H_239_0@ YoUre In the mood for a Dance@H_239_0@ and when YoU get the chance...@H_239_0@ YoU are the dancIng qUeen, YoUng and sweet, Only @R_816_2253@teen@H_239_0@ dancIng qUeen, feel the beat from the tamboUrIne@H_239_0@ YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe@H_239_0@ see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen@H_239_0@ YoUre a teaser, YoU tUrn em on@H_239_0@ leave them bUrnIng and then YoUre gone@H_239_0@ lookIng oUt for another, anYone wIll do@H_239_0@ YoUre In the mood for a Dance@H_239_0@ and when YoU get the chance...@H_239_0@ YoU are the dancIng qUeen, YoUng and sweet, Only @R_816_2253@teen@H_239_0@ dancIng qUeen, feel the beat from the tamboUrIne@H_239_0@ YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe@H_239_0@ see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen

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Top of the World
And I Love You So