欧美排行榜HeY I was doIng jUst fIne before I met YoU@H_571_0@
I drInk too mUch and that's an IssUe bUt I'm okaY@H_571_0@
HeY YoU tell YoUr frIends It was nIce to meet them@H_571_0@
BUt I hope I never see them agaIn@H_571_0@
I know It breaks YoUr heart@H_571_0@
Moved to the cItY In a broke-down car and@H_571_0@
FoUr Years no call@H_571_0@
Now YoU're lookIng prettY In a hotel bar and@H_571_0@
I can't stop@H_571_0@
No I can't stop@H_571_0@
So babY pUll me closer In the backseat of YoUr Rover@H_571_0@
That I know YoU can't afford@H_571_0@
BIte that tattoo on YoUr shoUlder@H_571_0@
PUll the sheets rIght off the corner@H_571_0@
Of the mattress that YoU stole@H_571_0@
From YoUr roommate back In BoUlder@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
YoU look as the good as the daY I met YoU@H_571_0@
I forget jUst whY I left YoU I was Insane@H_571_0@
StaY and Play that BlInk-182 song@H_571_0@
That we beat to death In TUcson okaY@H_571_0@
I know It breaks YoUr heart@H_571_0@
Moved to the cItY In a broke-down car and@H_571_0@
FoUr Years no call@H_571_0@
Now I'm lookIng prettY In a hotel bar and@H_571_0@
I can't stop@H_571_0@
No I can't stop@H_571_0@
So babY pUll me closer In the backseat of YoUr Rover@H_571_0@
That I know YoU can't afford@H_571_0@
BIte that tattoo on YoUr shoUlder@H_571_0@
PUll the sheets rIght off the corner@H_571_0@
Of the mattress that YoU stole@H_571_0@
From YoUr roommate back In BoUlder@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
The ChaInsmokers:@H_571_0@
So babY pUll me closer In the backseat of YoUr Rover@H_571_0@
That I know YoU can't afford@H_571_0@
BIte that tattoo on YoUr shoUlder@H_571_0@
PUll the sheets rIght off the corner@H_571_0@
Of the mattress that YoU stole@H_571_0@
From YoUr roommate back In BoUlder@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
No we aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
The ChaInsmokers:@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
No we aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
The ChaInsmokers:@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
The ChaInsmokers:@H_571_0@
We aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
No we aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
No we aIn't ever gettIng older@H_571_0@
No we aIn't ever gettIng older
The Monster下一个歌词
Beautiful Now
The Monster下一个歌词
Beautiful Now