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The Monster

欧美排行榜[ChorUs: RIhanna]@H_157_0@ I'm frIends wIth the monster that's Under mY bed@H_157_0@ Get along wIth the voIces Inside of mY head@H_157_0@ YoU're TryIn' to save me, stop holdIn' YoUr breath@H_157_0@ And YoU thInk I'm crazY, Yeah, YoU thInk I'm crazY@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ [Verse 1: EmInem]@H_157_0@ I wanted the fame bUt not the cover of Newsweek@H_157_0@ Oh well, gUess beggars can't be chooseY@H_157_0@ Wanted to receIve attentIon for mY mUsIc@H_157_0@ Wanted to be left alone In pUblIc eXcUse me@H_157_0@ For wantIn' mY cake and eat It too and wantIn' It both waYs@H_157_0@ Fame made me a balloon 'cUz mY ego Inflated when I blew, see@H_157_0@ BUt It was confUsIng, 'cUz all I wanted to do's be@H_157_0@ The BrUce Lee of loose leaf@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ AbUsed Ink, Used It as a tool when blew steam@H_157_0@ Whoo, hIt the lotterY ooh-wee@H_157_0@ BUt wIth, what I gave Up to get It was bIttersweet It was lIke wInnIn' a Used mInk@H_157_0@ IronIc 'cUz I thInk I'm gettIn' so hUge I need a shrInk@H_157_0@ I'm beGinnIn' to lose sleep@H_157_0@ One sheep, two sheep, goIn' coo-coo and kookY as Kool KeIth@H_157_0@ BUt I'm actUallY weIrder than YoU thInk@H_157_0@ 'CUz I'm...@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ [ChorUs: RIhanna]@H_157_0@ I'm frIends wIth the monster that's Under mY bed@H_157_0@ Get along wIth the voIces Inside of mY head@H_157_0@ YoU're TryIn' to save me, stop holdIn' YoUr breath@H_157_0@ And YoU thInk I'm crazY, Yeah, YoU thInk I'm crazY@H_157_0@ Well that's nothIn', well that's nothIn'@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ [Verse 2: EmInem]@H_157_0@ Now, I aIn't mUch of a poet bUt I know someBody once told me @H_157_0@ to seIze the moment and don't sqUander It@H_157_0@ 'CUz YoU never know when It all coUld be over Tomorrow, so I keep conjUrIn'@H_157_0@ SometImes I wonder where these thoUghts spawn from@H_157_0@ Yeah, ponderIn'll do YoU wonders no wonder YoU're losIn' YoUr mInd the waY It wanders@H_157_0@ Yo-dal-odale-hee-hoo!@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ I thInk It went wanderIn' off down Yonder and @H_157_0@ StUmbled on 'ta Jeff VanVonderen@H_157_0@ 'CUz I need an InterventIonIst to Intervene between me and thIs monster@H_157_0@ And save me from mYself and all thIs conflIct@H_157_0@ 'CUz the verY thIng that I love's kIllIn' me and I can't conqUer It@H_157_0@ MY OCD's conkIn' me In the head keep knockIn'@H_157_0@ NoBody's home I'm sleepwalkIn'@H_157_0@ I'm jUst relaYIn' what the voIce In mY head's saYIn', don't shoot the messenger@H_157_0@ I'm jUst frIends wIth the...@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ [ChorUs: RIhanna]@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ [Verse 3: EmInem]@H_157_0@ Call me crazY bUt I have thIs vIsIon@H_157_0@ One daY that, I'll walk amongst YoU a regUlar cIvIlIan@H_157_0@ BUt UntIl then, drUms get kIlled and I'm comIn' straIght at @H_157_0@ MC's blood gets spIlled and I'll take YoU back to the daYs that @H_157_0@ I'd get on a Dre track, gIve everY kId who got Played that, @H_157_0@ PUmped Up feelIn' and shIt to saY back to the kIds who Played hIm@H_157_0@ I aIn't here to save the fUckIn' chIldren@H_157_0@ BUt If one kId oUt of a hUndred mIllIon@H_157_0@ Who are goIn' throUgh a strUggle Feels It and relates that's great, @H_157_0@ It's paYback, RUssell WIlson @R_239_2955@In' waY back In the draft @H_157_0@ TUrn nothIn' Into somethIn' stIll can make that straw Into gold chUmp, I wIll spIn@H_157_0@ RUmpelstIlt@R_511_2957@ In a haYstack@H_157_0@ MaYbe I need a straIght-jacket face facts@H_157_0@ I am nUts for real, bUt I'm ok wIth that@H_157_0@ It's nUthIn', I'm stIll frIends wIth the...@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ [ChorUs: RIhanna]@H_157_0@ I'm frIends wIth the monster that's Under mY bed@H_157_0@ Get along wIth the voIces Inside of mY head@H_157_0@ YoU're TryIn' to save me, stop holdIn' YoUr breath@H_157_0@ And YoU thInk I'm crazY, Yeah, YoU thInk I'm crazY@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ I'm frIends wIth the monster that's Under mY bed@H_157_0@ Get along wIth the voIces Inside of mY head@H_157_0@ YoU're TryIn' to save me, stop holdIn' YoUr breath@H_157_0@ And YoU thInk I'm crazY, Yeah, YoU thInk I'm crazY@H_157_0@ Well that's nothIn', well that's nothIn'@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ (M. Mathers, B. FrYzel, A. KleInstUb, M. AthanasIoU, R. FentY, J. BellIon, B. ReXha)@H_157_0@ Songs Of UnIversal, Inc. / Shroom ShadY MUsIc (BMI) / Freq Show MUsIc / @H_157_0@ Songs of UnIversal, Inc. (BMI) / Aaron KleInstUb PUblIshIng DesIgnee (BMI) / @H_157_0@ MakI AthanasIoU PUblIshIng DesIgnee (BMI) / @H_157_0@ AnnarhI MUsIc LLC AdmIn BY EMI Blackwood Inc. (BMI) / BMG RIghts Managment (US) LLC /@H_157_0@ KIss Me If YoU Can MUsIc (BMI) / John BellIon PUblIshIng DesIgnee@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ ProdUced BY: FreqUencY for Freq Show MUsIc, Inc.@H_157_0@ Co-ProdUced BY: AalIas@H_157_0@ Recorded BY: MIke Strange, Joe Strange & TonY Campana @ EffIgY StUdIos@H_157_0@ MIXed BY: Dr. Dre & Veto @ Record One StUdIos In Sherman Oaks, CA@H_157_0@ MIX EngIneer: MaUrIcIo "Veto" IragorrI @ Record One StUdIos In Sherman Oaks, CA@H_157_0@ AssIstant MIX EngIneer: RJ Colston @ Record One StUdIos In Sherman Oaks, CA@H_157_0@ BackgroUnd Vocals BY: Bebe@H_157_0@ AddItIonal InstrUmentatIon BY: MakI AthanasIoU@H_157_0@ AddItIonal KeYboards BY: LUIs Resto@H_157_0@ *RIhanna appears coUrtesY of Roc NatIon

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