Love Yourself
欧美排行榜For all the tImes that YoU raIn on mY parade@H_230_0@
And all the clUbs YoU get In UsIng mY name@H_230_0@
YoU thInk YoU broke mY heart, oh gIrl for goodness sake@H_230_0@
YoU thInk I'm crYIng, oh mY oh, well I aIn't@H_230_0@
And I dIdn't wanna wrIte a song caUse I dIdn't want anYone thInkIng I stIll care@H_230_0@
I Don't bUt, YoU stIll hIt mY phone Up@H_230_0@
And babY I be movIn' on and I thInk YoU shoUld be somethIn'@H_230_0@
I Don't wanna hold back, maYbe YoU shoUld know that@H_230_0@
MY mama don't lIke YoU and she lIkes everYone@H_230_0@
And I never lIke to admIt that I was wrong@H_230_0@
And I've been so caUght Up In mY job, dIdn't see what's goIng on@H_230_0@
And now I know, I'm better sleepIng on mY own@H_230_0@
CaUse If YoU lIke the waY YoU look that mUch@H_230_0@
Oh babY YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
And If YoU thInk that I'm stIll holdIn' on to somethIn'@H_230_0@
YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
BUt when YoU told me that YoU hated mY frIends@H_230_0@
The Only problem was wIth YoU and not them@H_230_0@
And everY tIme YoU told me mY opInIon was wrong@H_230_0@
And trIed to make me forget where I came from@H_230_0@
And I dIdn't wanna wrIte a song caUse I dIdn't want anYone thInkIng I stIll care@H_230_0@
I Don't bUt, YoU stIll hIt mY phone Up@H_230_0@
And babY I be movIn' on and I thInk YoU shoUld be somethIn'@H_230_0@
I Don't wanna hold back, maYbe YoU shoUld know that@H_230_0@
MY mama don't lIke YoU and she lIkes everYone@H_230_0@
And I never lIke to admIt that I was wrong@H_230_0@
And I've been so caUght Up In mY job, dIdn't see what's goIng on@H_230_0@
And now I know, I'm better sleepIng on mY own@H_230_0@
CaUse If YoU lIke the waY YoU look that mUch@H_230_0@
Oh babY YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
And If YoU thInk that I'm stIll holdIn' on to somethIn'@H_230_0@
YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
For all the tImes YoU made me feel small@H_230_0@
I fell In love, now I fear nothIn' at all@H_230_0@
I never felt so @R_239_3853@ when I was vUlnerable@H_230_0@
Was I a fool to let YoU break down mY walls?@H_230_0@
CaUse If YoU lIke the waY YoU look that mUch@H_230_0@
Oh babY YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
And If YoU thInk that I'm stIll holdIn' on to somethIn'@H_230_0@
YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
CaUse If YoU lIke the waY YoU look that mUch@H_230_0@
Oh babY YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself@H_230_0@
And If YoU thInk that I'm stIll holdIn' on to somethIn'@H_230_0@
YoU shoUld go and love YoUrself
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