白羊 (Remix)
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 梦洛伊 / 斗罗大陆
白羊 (RemIX) - 梦洛伊
WrItten bY:梦洛伊
I'm not saYIng YoU can't be fInancIallY sUccessfUl
I'm saYIng have a greater pUrpose In lIfe well beYond the pUrsUIt of fInancIal sUccess
YoUr soUl Is screamIng for YoU to answer YoUr trUe callIng
YoU can change todaY If YoU redefIne what sUccess Is to YoU
YoU can transform YoUr damaged relatIonshIps and bUIld new ones
YoU can forgIve YoUrself and others who've hUrt YoU
YoU can become a leader bY mentorIng wIth others who YoU aspIre to be lIke
YoU can rebalance YoUr prIorItIes In lIfe
YoU can heal YoUr marrIage and recreate a Stronger love than YoU ever thoUght possIble
YoU can become the best parent possIble at anY age even 86
BUt don't waIt UntIl then
YoU wIll alwaYs be able to make more Money
BUt YoU cannot make more tIme
白羊 (RemIX) - 梦洛伊
WrItten bY:梦洛伊
I'm not saYIng YoU can't be fInancIallY sUccessfUl
I'm saYIng have a greater pUrpose In lIfe well beYond the pUrsUIt of fInancIal sUccess
YoUr soUl Is screamIng for YoU to answer YoUr trUe callIng
YoU can change todaY If YoU redefIne what sUccess Is to YoU
YoU can transform YoUr damaged relatIonshIps and bUIld new ones
YoU can forgIve YoUrself and others who've hUrt YoU
YoU can become a leader bY mentorIng wIth others who YoU aspIre to be lIke
YoU can rebalance YoUr prIorItIes In lIfe
YoU can heal YoUr marrIage and recreate a Stronger love than YoU ever thoUght possIble
YoU can become the best parent possIble at anY age even 86
BUt don't waIt UntIl then
YoU wIll alwaYs be able to make more Money
BUt YoU cannot make more tIme
《白羊 (Remix)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
故事与她 (Remix)下一个歌词
白色桔梗花 (Remix)
故事与她 (Remix)下一个歌词
白色桔梗花 (Remix)
热播拍灰舞2 (Remix)
妇联3 (Remix)
动词打次go (Remix)
爱过了不后悔 (Remix)
神曲摇 (DJ版)
山海 (DJ版)
易燃易爆炸 (DJ版)
迪吧摇 (DJ版)
EA7冷门抖腿 (DJ版)
小哥哥,网恋吗 (DJ版)
环绕逆袭你害怕了吗 (DJ版)
隔壁老王让被震跑了 (DJ版)
带上耳机跳俄舞 (DJ版)
带上耳机跟我摇 (DJ版)
车载环绕仅此一家 (DJ版)
车载爆锯猛如虎 (DJ版)
天在下雨我在想你 (Remix)
你得使劲听 (Remix)