942 (Remix)
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 梦洛伊 / 123我爱你Solomon had a barracUda
He Rolled It three tImes at the bottom of the hIll
He sold me all the good parts
For a lonelY one hUndred dollar bIll
HIm And IndIan walked awaY
A haphazard mIracle
He tells me all hIs vIsIons
DIsPlayed on a speedIng pIll pedestal
Solomon's rIde
Solomon wore a robe once
No shoes on hIs feet, carrIed Only a bowl and spoon
Walked wIth hIs frIend, LightenIng
Down from a Colorado sUn to a GUatemalan moon
And he's been to VIetnam
And he's frIed waY too mUch back In '69
He saYs he's a mathematIcal genIUs
He's a long haIred bIker for God, frIend of mIne
Solomon's rIde
He saYs he's jUst a cowboY
BUt he don't eat no meat
How can YoU lIve wIth the slaUghter
And be shocked wIth the shUffle In the street?
Solomon fell In love bY letter
A braIn sUrgeon he never met oUt In the UkraIne
Gave It all Up here and went oUt to go get her
Last tIme I saw hIm he was makIng a rUn for the plane
Solomon's rIde
He Rolled It three tImes at the bottom of the hIll
He sold me all the good parts
For a lonelY one hUndred dollar bIll
HIm And IndIan walked awaY
A haphazard mIracle
He tells me all hIs vIsIons
DIsPlayed on a speedIng pIll pedestal
Solomon's rIde
Solomon wore a robe once
No shoes on hIs feet, carrIed Only a bowl and spoon
Walked wIth hIs frIend, LightenIng
Down from a Colorado sUn to a GUatemalan moon
And he's been to VIetnam
And he's frIed waY too mUch back In '69
He saYs he's a mathematIcal genIUs
He's a long haIred bIker for God, frIend of mIne
Solomon's rIde
He saYs he's jUst a cowboY
BUt he don't eat no meat
How can YoU lIve wIth the slaUghter
And be shocked wIth the shUffle In the street?
Solomon fell In love bY letter
A braIn sUrgeon he never met oUt In the UkraIne
Gave It all Up here and went oUt to go get her
Last tIme I saw hIm he was makIng a rUn for the plane
Solomon's rIde
《942 (Remix)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
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