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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 罗艺恒 / 不该“不该”@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ I can’t keep It Up, I can’t lIe@H_231_0@ Act lIke everYthIng Is fIne.@H_231_0@ How can what once was love be cast asIde@H_231_0@ LIke strangers In passIng bY.@H_231_0@ 画面里不需要旁白 却谁都看得出来@H_231_0@ 是我情绪涌了上来 想哭却一片空白@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ FallIng from the skY, frozen locked In tIme, holds the promIses we made In Ice@H_231_0@ Yet deep down In the snow, In oUr hearts we know, seasons change one daY we’ll see the Light.@H_231_0@ 轻轻飘 落下来 许下的梦 融化得太快@H_231_0@ 或许我们都不该醒来@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ WIthIn mY memorY Forever there’ll be YoU and I@H_231_0@ 让我们微笑离开 让故事留下来@H_231_0@ Let go of hands once held tIght@H_231_0@ Even If love stIll Feels alIve @H_231_0@ 缘若尽了 就不该再重来@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ 你依旧住在我的回忆里 不出来@H_231_0@ BUt now I’m readY to move on to lIve oUr own lIves.@H_231_0@ 纠缠与固执等待 反而是另一种伤害@H_231_0@ 彼此紧握的手松开 Embrace the fUtUres clear skY@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ 错过的时间怎么买 谁都付不出来@H_231_0@ MaYbe some words are best left UnsaId, best left washed awaY In tIme


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