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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 林子祥 / 仍然最爱 林子祥·杜丽莎演唱会TheY saY that breakIng Up Is hard to do
Now I know I know that It's trUe

Don't saY that thIs Is the end

Instead of breakIng Up
I wIsh that we were makIng Up agaIn

breakIng Up Is hard to do
Remember when YoU held me tIght

And we kIssed all throUgh the nIght
Come on babY let's start anew

'CaUse breakIng Up Is hard to do
Remember when YoU held me tIght

And we kIssed all throUgh the nIght
Come on babY let's start anew

'CaUse breakIng Up Is hard to do

TheY saY that breakIng Up Is hard to do

Now I know I know that's trUe

Don't saY don't saY thIs Is the end

Instead of breakIng Up
I wIsh that we were makIng Up agaIn

I beg of YoU Don't saY goodbYe

Can't we gIve oUr love another @R_316_4187@

Come on babY, let's start anew

'CaUse breakIng Up Is hard to do

Now I know I know that It's trUe

Instead of breakIng Up
I wIsh that we were makIng Up agaIn

I beg of YoU Don't saY goodbYe

Can't we gIve oUr love another @R_316_4187@?

oh babY, let's start anew

'CaUse breakIng Up Is hard to do

breakIng Up Is hard to do

BreakIng Up Is Hard To Do - 杜丽莎

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