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The Prayer

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 林子祥 / 港乐·林子祥(SallYI praY YoU'll be alrIght@H_162_0@ And watch Us where we go And help Us to be wIse@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ In tImes when we don't know Let thIs be oUr praYer@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ When we lose oUr waY Aead Us to a place@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ GUIse Us wIth YoUr grace To a place where we'll be safe@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (Lam)人生总有希望@H_162_0@ (SallYI praY we'll fInd YoUr Light@H_162_0@ (Lam)有梦蕴藏@H_162_0@ (SallY)And hold It In oUr hearts@H_162_0@ (Lam)明月照片上@H_162_0@ (SallY)When stars go oUt each nIght@H_162_0@ (Lam)明天透露署光@H_162_0@ (SallY)Ooo Hmmm@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (Lam)实现了希望@H_162_0@ (SallY)Let thIs be or praYer@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (Lam)共渡到此方@H_162_0@ (SallY)When shadows fIll oUr daY@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (Lam)Lead Us to a place@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (SallY)GUIde Us wIth YoUr grace@H_162_0@ (合)GIve Us faIth so we'll be save ThrU everY moment@H_162_0@ We woUld be Together For everY qUestIon@H_162_0@ There woUls be an answer WIth YoU besIde me@H_162_0@ Love woUld lIve Forever EverY praYer be answered@H_162_0@ EverY praYer be heard@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (Lam)相拥不怕夜凉@H_162_0@ (SallY)We ask not lIfe be kInd@H_162_0@ (Lam)情深永伴身旁@H_162_0@ (SallY)And watch Us from above@H_162_0@ (Lam)随着爱意飘荡@H_162_0@ (SallY)We hope each soUl wIll fInd@H_162_0@ (Lam)携手再望向远方@H_162_0@ (SallY)Another soUl to love@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (合唱)Let thIs be oUr praYer@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (SallY)Let thIs be oUr praYer@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (Lam)JUst lIke everY ChIld@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (SallY)JUst lIke everY ChIld@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (合唱)Need to fInd a place GUIde Us wIth YoUr grace@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ GIve Us faIth so we'll be safe@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ (合唱)Need to fInd a place GUIde Us wIth YoUr grace@H_162_0@ @H_162_0@ to a place wIll be safe

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Medley: 美丽小姑娘 / 沙漠小子 / 亚里巴巴 / 狂欢