Where Did All The Good Times Go
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 林子祥 / When a Man Loves a WomanLYrIc:J.R.Cobb@H_166_0@
MUsIc:BUddY BUIe@H_166_0@
We lIved In the coUnTry when I was a chIld@H_166_0@
YoU lIved down the hIghwaY aboUt half a mIle@H_166_0@
We laUghed awaY the hoUrs, rUnnIng to and fro@H_166_0@
Tell me babY,where dId the good tImes go@H_166_0@
I can stIll remember, Summers In the shade@H_166_0@
WInters bY the fIre place, the promIses we made@H_166_0@
YoU saId YoU'd alwaYs love me,What happened I Don't know@H_166_0@
BabY babY,where dId the good tImes go@H_166_0@
Where dId all the good tImes go@H_166_0@
Where dId theY go@H_166_0@
Tell me woman If YoU know@H_166_0@
Where dId the good tImes go
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