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Closer to You

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 林子祥 / Lam Ⅰ歌曲:closer To You

darlIn' If YoU want me to be
closer To You, get closer to me
darlIn' If YoU want me to be
closer To You, get closer to me
darlIn' If YoU want me to love
love Only YoU, then love Only me
darlIn' If YoU want me to see
see Only YoU, then see Only me
there's a lIne, I can't cross over
It's no good for me and It's no good for YoU
and there's a feelIn', deep down Inside me
I can't eXplaIn It and YoU're wonderIng whY
YoU saY we've been lIke strangers
bUt I'm not the others
YoU can wrap 'roUnd YoUr fIngers
there was a tIme, I when I woUld come rUnnIn'
I'd drop everYthIng
for the toUch of YoUr hand In mIne
YoU were blInd and now YoU regret It
caUse I can't forget It
It's locked In mY mInd
and I can't go on lIvIn' daY to daY
wonderIng If we'll be here Tomorrow
people change and YoU're changIn'
and I've gIven YoU mY all
there's no more to borrow

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