Seasons Of Love
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / The Story Of Sandy Lam So FarFIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
SIX HUndred MInUtes@H_235_0@
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
Moments So Dear@H_235_0@
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
SIX HUndred MInUtes@H_235_0@
How Do YoU MeasUre - MeasUre A Year?@H_235_0@
In DaYLights - In SUnsets@H_235_0@
In MIdnIghts - In CUps Of Coffee@H_235_0@
In Inches - In MIles@H_235_0@
In LaUghter - In StrIfe@H_235_0@
In - FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
SIX HUndred MInUtes@H_235_0@
How Do YoU MeasUre@H_235_0@
A Year In The LIfe@H_235_0@
How AboUt Love?@H_235_0@
How AboUt Love?@H_235_0@
How AboUt Love?@H_235_0@
MeasUre In Love@H_235_0@
Seasons Of Love@H_235_0@
Seasons Of Love@H_235_0@
SOLOIST #1@H_235_0@
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
SIX HUndred MInUtes@H_235_0@
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
JoUrneYs To Plan@H_235_0@
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd@H_235_0@
SIX HUndred MInUtes@H_235_0@
How Do YoU MeasUre The LIfe@H_235_0@
Of A Woman Or A Man?@H_235_0@
SOLOIST #2@H_235_0@
In TrUths That She Learned@H_235_0@
Or In TImes That He CrIed@H_235_0@
In BrIdges He BUrned@H_235_0@
Or The WaY That She DIed@H_235_0@
It's TIme Now - To SIng OUt@H_235_0@
Tho' The StorY Never Ends@H_235_0@
Let's Celebrate@H_235_0@
Remember A Year In The LIfe Of FrIends@H_235_0@
Remember The Love@H_235_0@
Remember The Love@H_235_0@
Remember The Love@H_235_0@
MeasUre In Love@H_235_0@
SOLOIST #1@H_235_0@
MeasUre, MeasUre YoUr LIfe In Love@H_235_0@
Seasons Of Love...@H_235_0@
Seasons Of Love
《Seasons Of Love》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
Take A Bow下一个歌词
In Another Life
Take A Bow下一个歌词
In Another Life