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Daddy's Home

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / 美妙世界@R_718_3916@

DaddY's Home


YoU're @R_523_1840@, YoU're mY angel
YoU're the gIrl of mY dreams
I'd lIke to thank YoU
For waItIng patIentlY
DaddY's home
YoUr daddY's home to staY

*How I've waIted for thIs moment
To be bY YoUr sIde
YoUr best frIend wrote and told me
YoU had teardrop In YoUr eYes
DaddY's Home
YoUr daddY's home to staY

It wasn't on a SUndaY
MondaY and TUesdaY went bY
It wasn't on a TUesdaY afternoon
All I cXoUld do was crY
BUt I made promIse that YoU treasUre
I've made It back home To You

Repeat *)

I'm not a thoUSAnd mIles awaY
DaddY's home
And I'm gonna be here
Come wIht me all alone

《Daddy's Home》歌词歌词大全收集整理

To Love Somebody
If You Don't Know Me By Now