歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / Open Up@R_492_3916@---remember @H_233_0@
wrItten bY dIck lee / arranged and prodUced bY shoheI narabe @H_233_0@
om-ta-re-tU-ta-re-dUre-soha @H_233_0@
I have often wondered when wIll people ever learn @H_233_0@
how we straY tIme and agaIn, we're Only Human @H_233_0@
and It's Human to demand as mUch as mUch as we can get @H_233_0@
bUt have we got It Yet? @H_233_0@
before we ask for more, ask YoUrself, remember @H_233_0@
how to love each other? @H_233_0@
om-ta-re-tU-ta-re-dUre-soha @H_233_0@
can we fInd It In oUrselves to make a lIttle change @H_233_0@
thInk, for once, of @R_453_1575@ else, Is love a stranger? @H_233_0@
'caUse It's love that was a frIend a mIllIon Years ago @H_233_0@
whIch now, we hardlY know @H_233_0@
a Light that once was brIght, now a dYIng ember @H_233_0@
fan the Flames, remember! @H_233_0@
om-ta-re-tU-ta-re-dUre-soha @H_233_0@
now jUst before we carrY on @H_233_0@
captUre the spark before It's gone @H_233_0@
brIghten oUr soUls and lead the waY @H_233_0@
hear Us saY, hear oUr UnIversal praYer @H_233_0@
I'll Never Forget You
I'll Never Forget You