歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / Pieces of Mind@R_659_3916@---Remember
WrItten bY DIck Lee / Arranged and ProdUced bY ShoheI Narabe
I have often wondered when wIll people ever learn
How we straY tIme and agaIn, We're Only Human
And It's Human to demand as mUch as mUch as we can get
BUt have we got It Yet?
Before we ask for more, Ask YoUrself, remember
How to love each other?
Can we fInd It In oUrselves to make a lIttle change
ThInk, for once, of @R_6_1575@ else, Is love a stranger?
'CaUse It's love that was a frIend a mIllIon Years ago
WhIch now, we hardlY know
A Light that once was brIght, Now a dYIng ember
Fan the Flames, remember!
Now jUst before we carrY on
CaptUre the spark before It's gone
BrIghten oUr soUls and lead the waY
Hear Us saY, Hear oUr UnIversal praYer
WrItten bY DIck Lee / Arranged and ProdUced bY ShoheI Narabe
I have often wondered when wIll people ever learn
How we straY tIme and agaIn, We're Only Human
And It's Human to demand as mUch as mUch as we can get
BUt have we got It Yet?
Before we ask for more, Ask YoUrself, remember
How to love each other?
Can we fInd It In oUrselves to make a lIttle change
ThInk, for once, of @R_6_1575@ else, Is love a stranger?
'CaUse It's love that was a frIend a mIllIon Years ago
WhIch now, we hardlY know
A Light that once was brIght, Now a dYIng ember
Fan the Flames, remember!
Now jUst before we carrY on
CaptUre the spark before It's gone
BrIghten oUr soUls and lead the waY
Hear Us saY, Hear oUr UnIversal praYer