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Love And Life And You And Me

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / 都市触觉之推搪WrItten bY:Clarence HUI/AntonIo Chen

Tell me how to let YoU see

HUrtIng YoU Is hUrtIng me

We trIed to hard It cUts too deep
Oh can't YoU see what It's doIng to me
MaYbe Tomorrow Is not what It seems

BUt I need to go and lIve oUt of all mY dreams
Love and lIfe and YoU and me
I tell YoU lovIng Isn't all there Is

KnowIng lIfe Is what I need
If YoU love me set me free

Tell me what to do

'CaUse I'm stIll In love wIth YoU
Hold me tIght and then YoU'd feel

EverYthIng we saId was real
Dreams that once were made for two
Can we be sUre If theY'd ever come trUe
And maYbe somedaY In some other waY

We'll be Together and thIs tIme we'll staY

Love and lIfe and YoU and me
Oh babY lovIng Isn't all there Is
KnowIng lIfe Is what we'll need
If YoU love me set me free

Love and lIfe and YoU and me
Oh babY lovIng Isn't all there Is

KnowIng lIfe Is what we'll need
If YoU love me set me free
If YoU love me set me free

Love and lIfe and YoU and me

Tell me what to do
'CaUse I'm stIll In love wIth YoU
If YoU love me set me free

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