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Dreaming Of You

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林欣彤 / Neway Music Live x 林欣彤音乐会
Dreaming Of YoU (梦见你) (LIve) - 林欣彤
Late at nIght when all the world Is sleepIng
I staY Up and thInk of YoU
And I wIsh on a star
That somewhere YoU're thInkIng of me too

Wonder If YoU ever see me
And I wonder If YoU know I'm there
If YoU looked In mY eYes
WoUld YoU see what's Inside
WoUld YoU even care
CaUse I'm Dreaming of YoU tonIght
TIll Tomorrow I'll be holdIng YoU tIght
And there's nowhere In the world I'd rather be
Than here In mY room Dreaming aboUt YoU and me

TIll Tomorrow I'll be holdIng YoU tIght
And there's nowhere In the world I'd rather be
Here In mY room Dreaming aboUt YoU and me

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