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Make Believe

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林凡 / 都是他


Make BelIeve

LYrIcs:YoUng CraIg/ValIandInghamsara

MUsIc:YoUng CraIgI


I coUldn't help notIce YoU watchIng them holdIng each other

YoU trIed to hIde YoUr sentImental thoUght

BUt the trUth Is faIthfUl so wIll and able to ask Us

How long wIll we be somethIng we aren't

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Hold and Try as we maY we know we wIll never be that waY

'CaUse theY make love bUt we jUst make belIeve

(Oh Ya~theY make love bUt we jUst make belIeve)

SometImes It's easY jUst stYle for the needs wIthIn Us

As settle for the comfort of me and YoU

I gUess we coUld make It If not for that sUbtle remInders

Of what we get to feel the waY theY do

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Now I See