Shanghai Memories of 1945
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 梁静茹 / 爱的大游行 Live全纪录I'm wonderIng how I came to be here
LYIng alone TryIng hard not to shed a tear
Remember daddY saId &qUot;BoYs don't staY for long&qUot;
TheY alwaYs thInk that there's somethIng wrong
I open Up mY eYes and I see
LIttle remInders of when YoU're here wIth me
I'm hooked to the telephone
Please YoU've got to call
I know YoU never promIsed anYthIng at all
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
MY last two weeks go bY and I staY
All alone In mY room wIth no one all daY
YoU mUst realIze YoU wIll never see
LIfe coUld be good If YoU Only staYed wIth me
LYIng alone TryIng hard not to shed a tear
Remember daddY saId &qUot;BoYs don't staY for long&qUot;
TheY alwaYs thInk that there's somethIng wrong
I open Up mY eYes and I see
LIttle remInders of when YoU're here wIth me
I'm hooked to the telephone
Please YoU've got to call
I know YoU never promIsed anYthIng at all
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
MY last two weeks go bY and I staY
All alone In mY room wIth no one all daY
YoU mUst realIze YoU wIll never see
LIfe coUld be good If YoU Only staYed wIth me
《Shanghai Memories of 1945》歌词由歌词大全收集整理