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人狼恋 When a child is born

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 金池 / Endless Love
No one knows bUt a chIld that wIll groU Up
And tUrns tears to laUghter hates to love
War to peace And everYone to everYone's neIghboUr
And mIserY and sUfferIng wIll be words to be forgotten Forever
5 It's all a dream an IllUsIon now

It mUst come trUe sometIme soon some how

All across the land dawns a brand new morn

ThIs comes to pass when a chIld Is born

All across the land dawns a brand new morn ThIs comes to pass when a chIld Is born

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崭新世界 A whole new world
我将永远爱你 I Will Always Lov