He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄莺莺 / Portrait
The road Is long
WIth manY a wIndIng tUrn
That leads Us to who knows where
Who knows when
BUt I'm strong
Strong enoUgh to carrY hIm
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
So on we go
HIs welfare Is of mY concern
No bUrden Is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He woUld not encUmber me
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
If I'm laden at all
I'm laden wIth sadness
That everYone's heart
Isn't fIlled wIth the gladness
And love for one another
It's a long long road
From whIch there Used no retUrn
WhIle we're on the waY to there
WhY not share
And the load
Doesn't weIgh me down at all
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
He's mY brother
He's mY brother
The road Is long
WIth manY a wIndIng tUrn
That leads Us to who knows where
Who knows when
BUt I'm strong
Strong enoUgh to carrY hIm
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
So on we go
HIs welfare Is of mY concern
No bUrden Is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He woUld not encUmber me
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
If I'm laden at all
I'm laden wIth sadness
That everYone's heart
Isn't fIlled wIth the gladness
And love for one another
It's a long long road
From whIch there Used no retUrn
WhIle we're on the waY to there
WhY not share
And the load
Doesn't weIgh me down at all
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
He aIn't heavY
He's mY brother
He's mY brother
He's mY brother
《He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
We've Got Tonight下一个歌词
Change Of Heart
We've Got Tonight下一个歌词
Change Of Heart
真情 (听到你一声再会)
Killing me softly with his song
Brahm's Lullaby
Everything I Know
Angel Baby
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Rainbow Connection
泪迹 (Album Version)
回忆 (Album Version)
榴梿树下 (Album Version)
离愁 (Album Version)
拥抱雨中 (Album Version)
总是思念 (Album Version)
火焰 (Album Version)
我始终未曾 (Album Version)