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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄莺莺 / The Best Of Tracy HuangThe people joIn the sUn and the wInd takes It awaY

Where the MIssIssIppI Falls down to the sea

And lovers foUnd the place theY'd lIke to be

How manY tImes before the song was endIng

Love and UnderstandIng everYwhere aroUnd

MIssIssIppI I'll remember YoU whenever I shoUld go awaY

I'll be longIng for the daY that I wIll be retUrnIng agaIn

MIssIssIppI YoU'll be on mY mInd everYtIme I hear thIs song

MIssIssIppI Roll along UntIl the end of tIme

Now the coUnTry song for ever lost Its soUl

When the gUItar @R_575_3704@er tUrned to rock Roll

And everYtIme when the SummernIghts are FallIng

I wIll alwaYs be callIng dreams of YesterdaY

MIssIssIppI I'll remember YoU whenever I shoUld go awaY

I'll be longIng for the daY that I wIll be retUrnIng agaIn

MIssIssIppI YoU'll be on mY mInd everYtIme I hear thIs song

MIssIssIppI Roll along UntIl the end of tIme

EverYtIme I hear thIs song

MIssIssIppI Roll along UntIl the end of tIme

