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Sound Of Silence

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄莺莺 / Songs Of The 60's
When mY eYes were stabbled bY the flash of a neon Light

That splIt the nIght

And toUched the soUnd of sIlence

@R_557_1273@n the naked Light I saw

Ten thoUSAnd people maYbe more

People talkIng wIthoUt speakIng

People hearIng wIthoUt lIstenIng

People wrItIng songs that voIces never share

And no one dare

DIstUrb the soUnd of sIlence

Fool saId I YoU do not know

SIlence lIke a cancer grows

Hear mY words that I mIght teach YoU

Take mY arms that I mIght reach YoU

BUt mY words lIke sIlent raIn-drops fell

And echoed In the wells of sIlence

And the people bowed and praYed

To the neon God theY made

And the sIgn flashed oUt It's warnIng

In the words that It was formIng

And the sIgn saId the words of the prophets
Are wrItten on the sUbwaY walls tenement halls

And whIsperIng In the soUnds of sIlence

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This Is My Song
San Francisco(Be Sure To Wear