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Feeling Like Making Love

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄小琥 / All By Myself


FeelIng LIke MakIng Love

作词:EUgene McDanIel

作曲:EUgene McDanIel

St@R_@R_16_3990@_3732@Ing In the park

watchIng wInter tUrn to sprIng

WalkIng In the dark

seeIng lovers do theIr thIng

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng love To You

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng dreams come trUe

Oh babY

In a restaUrant

holdIng hands bY candleLight

When I'm toUchIng YoU

wantIng YoU wIth all mY mInd

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng love To You

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That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng dreams come trUe

When YoU talk to me

when YoU're moanIng sweet and Low

When YoU toUch mY hand mY feelIng start to show

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng love To You

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng dreams come trUe

St@R_@R_16_3990@_3732@Ing In the park

watchIng wInter tUrn to sprIng

WalkIng In the dark

seeIng lovers do theIr thIng

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng love To You

That's the tIme I feel lIke makIng dreams come trUe

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Blue By You
How Am I Supposed To Live Without You