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My Funny Valentine

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄小琥 / Over The Rainbow


MY FUnnY ValentIne

LYrIcs:Lorenz Hart

MUsIc:RIchard Rodgers

MY fUnnY ValentIne

Sweet comIc ValentIne

YoU make me Smile wIth mY heart

YoUr looks are laUghable


Yet, YoU're mY favorIte work of art

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Is YoUr fIgUreless that Greek

Is YoUr moUth a lIttle weak

When YoU open to speak

Are YoU smart?

BUt don't YoU change a haIr for me

Not If YoU care for me

StaY, mY lIttle ValentIne, staY

Each daY Is ValentIne's DaY

《My Funny Valentine》歌词歌词大全收集整理

When I Fall In Love
They Long To Be Close To You