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When It Comes To Love

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 黄安 / 奈何LIke the earlY mornIng sUn, oUr love has jUst begUn.
HappIness Is there for Us to choose
BUt the choIces that we make, Let´s make no Mistake.
When It comes to love, we wIn or lose
LIke a clear and starrY nIght.
YoU´re the moon that´s shInIng brIght.
MY world woUld be dark wIthoUt YoU.
Can we stop the hands of tIme
WIll YoU saY that YoU´ll mIne
@R_167_1850@ wIll feel jUst lIke a daY.
When It comes to love, reach for the skY.
We Only have one lIfe,
So let´s not waste oUr precIoUs tIme!
When It comes to love, there´s Only YoU and I.
Make no Mistake, The choIces, that we make.
Can make oUr dreams come trUe!

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