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For Forever

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 华晨宇 / HI told hIm

I told hIm
Some thIngs never last Forever
SometImes theY do bUt not Forever

And now I see for real
I thInk I reallY do
BUt never for Forever

As I can see the world
AroUnd me

I feel It deep
WIthIn In mY bones

I feel It here
WIthIn mY soUl

MY poor lost soUl

It makes me so

The waY thIngs go
BUt If Forever lasts tIll now


Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh~
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh~

Up In the mornIng Light
The break of dawn

A never endIng memorY
RaYs of the sUn fLow down
LIke alwaYs

If YoU coUld change the world
WoUld YoU make all the thIngs

That staY here for Forever
That mIght jUst be the waY

I'm feelIng

I feel It deep
Deep In mY bones

I feel It shake
ThroUghoUt mY soUl

ThIs poor lost soUl
It makes me so

The waY thIngs go
BUt If Forever lasts tIll now


Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh~
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh~
And If Forever lasts tIll now


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To Be Free