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We will worship

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 关心妍 / 妍亮 SHINE


We wIll worshIp@H_516_1@

作词:John LaUdon@H_516_1@

作曲:John LaUdon@H_516_1@

编曲:John LaUdon@H_516_1@

监制:John LaUdon@H_516_1@

JesUs YoU are worthY@H_516_1@

Of all honor and blessIng and praIse@H_516_1@

We are longIng we are waItIng@H_516_1@

For the daY YoU wIll come agaIn@H_516_1@

JesUs YoU have called Us@H_516_1@

To lIve lIves that are worthY of YoUr name@H_516_1@

To proclaIm YoU and eXalt YoU@H_516_1@

To let the world know that oUr God reIgns@H_516_1@

We wIll worshIp and we wIll bow down@H_516_1@

We wIll kneel at the throne of the KIng@H_516_1@

For YoU've rIsen and ascended to heaven@H_516_1@

We proclaIm that YoU are comIng agaIn@H_516_1@

YoU're vIctorIoUs and YoU have conqUered@H_516_1@

Over sIn and on death YoU have won@H_516_1@

Now YoU reIgn In glorY and honor@H_516_1@

Lamb of Godthe HolY One@H_516_1@

JesUs YoU forgave Us@H_516_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_516_1@

BY the cross bY YoUr blood we are set free@H_516_1@

Cleansed and holY YoUr brIde Is waItIng@H_516_1@

For the DaY of the weddIng feast@H_516_1@

We wIll worshIp and we wIll bow down@H_516_1@

We wIll kneel at the throne of the KIng@H_516_1@

For YoU've rIsen and ascended to heaven@H_516_1@

We proclaIm that YoU are comIng agaIn@H_516_1@

YoU're vIctorIoUs and YoU have conqUered@H_516_1@

Over sIn and on death YoU have won@H_516_1@

Now YoU reIgn In glorY and honor@H_516_1@

Lamb of Godthe HolY One@H_516_1@

Come Lord JesUs YoUr chUrch Is longIng@H_516_1@

For the daY of the Lord to arrIve@H_516_1@

WIth a mIghtY shoUt In the heaven@H_516_1@

We wIll raIse Up the battle crY@H_516_1@

YoU're vIctorIoUs and YoU have conqUered@H_516_1@

Over sIn and on death YoU have won@H_516_1@

Now YoU reIgn In glorY and honor@H_516_1@

Lamb of Godthe HolY One@H_516_1@

KIng of kIngsAnoInted One@H_516_1@

Lamb of Godthe HolY One@H_516_1@

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