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White Flay

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 关心妍 / I Am Ready(演唱会)


WhIte FlaY@H_557_1@

I know YoU thInk that I shoUldn't stIll love YoU,@H_557_1@

or tell YoU that.@H_557_1@

BUt If I dIdn't saY It, well I'd stIll have felt It@H_557_1@

where's the sense In that?@H_557_1@

I promIse I'm not TryIng to make YoUr lIfe harder@H_557_1@

Or retUrn to where we were@H_557_1@

BUt I wIll go down wIth thIs shIp@H_557_1@

And I won't pUt mY hands Up and sUrrender@H_557_1@

There wIll be no whIte flag above mY door@H_557_1@

I'm In love and alwaYswIllbe@H_557_1@

I know I left too mUch mess and@H_557_1@

destrUctIon to come back agaIn@H_557_1@

And I caUsed bUt nothIng bUt troUble@H_557_1@

I Understand If YoU can't talk to me agaIn@H_557_1@

And If YoU lIve bY the rUles of 'It's over'@H_557_1@

then I'm sUre that that makes sense@H_557_1@

Well I wIll go down wIth thIs shIp@H_557_1@

And I won't pUt mY hands Up and sUrrender@H_557_1@

There wIll be no whIte flag above mY door@H_557_1@

I'm In love and alwaYs wIll be@H_557_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_557_1@

And when we meet@H_557_1@

WhIch I'm sUre we wIll@H_557_1@

All that was there@H_557_1@

WIll be there stIll@H_557_1@

I'll let It pass@H_557_1@

And hold mY tongUe@H_557_1@

And YoU wIll thInk@H_557_1@

That I've moved on....@H_557_1@

Well I wIll go down wIth thIs shIp@H_557_1@

And I won't pUt mY hands Up and sUrrender@H_557_1@

There wIll be no whIte flag above mY door@H_557_1@

I'm In love and alwaYs wIll be@H_557_1@

BUt I wIll go down wIth thIs shIp@H_557_1@

And I won't pUt mY hands Up and sUrrender@H_557_1@

There wIll be no whIte flag above mY door@H_557_1@

I'm In love and alwaYs wIll be@H_557_1@

BUt I wIll go down wIth thIs shIp@H_557_1@

And I won't pUt mY hands Up and sUrrender@H_557_1@

There wIll be no whIte flag above mY door@H_557_1@

I'm In love and alwaYs wIll be@H_557_1@

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Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Without You