The Road Not Taken (《何以笙箫默》电视剧插曲...
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 高姗 / 遇见你的时候所有星星都落到我头上
WIthIn all these horror storIes
LaY manY tImes of regret
AlwaYs In sUch a frIghtened state
Trapped In an ImagInarY cage
LIvIng lIfe daY bY daY
And soon enoUgh some daY
I'll come oUt and Play
In a world where everYthIng Is UpsIde down
I Try hard not to lose mY mInd
ThIngs keep gettIng worse so
I tell mYself everYthIng wIll be fIne
I want to Grow Up and be a real Rebecca
In the end It'll work
WIthIn all these horror storIes
LaY manY tImes of regret
AlwaYs In sUch a frIghtened state
Trapped In an ImagInarY cage
LIvIng lIfe daY bY daY
And soon enoUgh some daY
I'll come oUt and Play
In a world where everYthIng Is UpsIde down
I Try hard not to lose mY mInd
ThIngs keep gettIng worse so
I tell mYself everYthIng wIll be fIne
I want to Grow Up and be a real Rebecca
In the end It'll work
《The Road Not Taken (《何以笙箫默》电视剧插曲)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理