歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 飞儿乐团 / 飞行部落The Game - Intro
In the name of JesUs, let Us praY:
Father we thank YoU for wakIng Us Up thIs mornIng.
We thank YoU for sUrroUndIng Us wIth YoUr gUardIan angels as we slept.
We thank YoU for wakIng oUr famIlY, frIends, and loved ones as well keepIng Us safe.
We thank YoU for wakIng oUr enemIes thIs daY
Father for theY are YoUr chIldren as we are.
Lord I, Earl SImmons, standIn the gap for Jayceon Terrell TaYlor
and praY that he Is contInUed as a chIld of YoUrs.
He Is contInUed In YoUr grace, he Is contInUed wIth the blessIngs
that YoU've blessed so manY others wIth.
In the name of JesUs.
We praY that anY obstacle that the devIl plans to place In oUr path
wIll be removed In the name of JesUs, Father.
EverY spIrIt, everYthIng that Is not of YoU we come agaInst rIght now Father.
EverY spIrIt of addIctIon.
EverY spIrIt of anger.
EverY spIrIt of jealoUsY.
EverY spIrIt of deceptIon.
EverY spIrIt of greed.
EverY spIrIt of envY.
EverY spIrIt of lUst.
Ee come agaInst rIght now, In the name of JesUs, Father.
Let Us saY:
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
In the name of JesUs, let Us praY:
Father we thank YoU for wakIng Us Up thIs mornIng.
We thank YoU for sUrroUndIng Us wIth YoUr gUardIan angels as we slept.
We thank YoU for wakIng oUr famIlY, frIends, and loved ones as well keepIng Us safe.
We thank YoU for wakIng oUr enemIes thIs daY
Father for theY are YoUr chIldren as we are.
Lord I, Earl SImmons, standIn the gap for Jayceon Terrell TaYlor
and praY that he Is contInUed as a chIld of YoUrs.
He Is contInUed In YoUr grace, he Is contInUed wIth the blessIngs
that YoU've blessed so manY others wIth.
In the name of JesUs.
We praY that anY obstacle that the devIl plans to place In oUr path
wIll be removed In the name of JesUs, Father.
EverY spIrIt, everYthIng that Is not of YoU we come agaInst rIght now Father.
EverY spIrIt of addIctIon.
EverY spIrIt of anger.
EverY spIrIt of jealoUsY.
EverY spIrIt of deceptIon.
EverY spIrIt of greed.
EverY spIrIt of envY.
EverY spIrIt of lUst.
Ee come agaInst rIght now, In the name of JesUs, Father.
Let Us saY:
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
Get High下一个歌词
把爱传出来 (抒情飞儿版)
Get High下一个歌词
把爱传出来 (抒情飞儿版)
无限青春(Forever Young)
Fairyland In Reality
爱上属于你的天空(In The Name Of You)
自由之歌(The Freedom Song)
梦见岛(Dream Island)
忘年会(Year-End Gathering)
造梦者(Can You Remember)
如果你说爱我(If You Say You Love Me)
美丽的你(Under Your Skin)
自由之歌(The Freedom Song)
爱我所爱(& 动力火车)