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Love You So Much

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 方大同 / JTW 西游记夜绚烂火已熄灭@H_323_0@ 最刺的是离别@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 痛在没有你的季节@H_323_0@ 回忆爱从快乐到悲哀@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 紧握的手却松开@H_323_0@ 再也不可能重来@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 现在夜不眠@H_323_0@ 也不倦也不变是想念@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 你说你不愿你不见你不恋@H_323_0@ 旧情难圆是我该说抱歉@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ EverY tIme YoU sIgh everY tIme YoU crY@H_323_0@ GIrl I mIss the waY we were sometImes@H_323_0@ JUst the waY we were when we were so sUre@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ We were both In the love of oUr lIves@H_323_0@ If thIs Is a dream I jUst wanna lose mYself@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ In everY shadow of YoUr Smile@H_323_0@ Cos gIrl I love YoU so mUch Yes I love YoU so mUch@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 追错身以后的体会@H_323_0@ 习以为常的依偎有你相伴的珍贵@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 回忆爱从相知变成了独白@H_323_0@ 我们的笑容不再一切是我自己活该@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 现在夜不眠@H_323_0@ 也不倦也不变是想念@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 你说你不愿你不见你不恋@H_323_0@ 旧情难圆是我该说抱歉对从前@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ EverY tIme YoU sIgh everY tIme YoU crY@H_323_0@ GIrl I mIss the waY we were sometImes@H_323_0@ JUst the waY we were when we were so sUre@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ We were both In the love of oUr lIves@H_323_0@ If thIs Is a dream I jUst wanna lose mYself@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ In everY shadow of YoUr Smile@H_323_0@ Cos gIrl I love YoU so mUch Yes I love YoU so mUch@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ If YoU have to go I know that I can't keep YoU here@H_323_0@ If YoU aIn't wIth me no more no Use talkIng boUt before@H_323_0@ If YoU were wIth me rIght now what woUld YoU saY or do@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ WoUld YoU be the waY YoU were or woUld YoU be another gIrl@H_323_0@ There's so mUch that I'd lIke to know aboUt the waY YoU feel@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ What's In YoUr heart when we're apart tell me@H_323_0@ Tell me If It wasn't real@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ And If there Is one thIng I know that I can saY Is trUe@H_323_0@ In me there'll alwaYs be a place@H_323_0@ Where everY tIme I thInk aboUt YoU@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ EverY tIme YoU sIgh everY tIme YoU crY@H_323_0@ GIrl I mIss the waY we were sometImes@H_323_0@ JUst the waY we were when we were so sUre@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ We were both In the love of oUr lIves@H_323_0@ If thIs Is a dream I jUst wanna lose mYself@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ In everY shadow of YoUr Smile@H_323_0@ Cos gIrl I love YoU so mUch Yes I love YoU so mUch@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ EverY tIme YoU sIgh everY tIme YoU crY@H_323_0@ EverY tIme YoU crY@H_323_0@ GIrl I mIss the waY we were sometImes@H_323_0@ GIrl I mIss the waY we saId we'd never saY goodbYe@H_323_0@ JUst the waY we were when we were so sUre@H_323_0@ And I mIss the waY we were we were so sUre@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ We were both In the love of oUr lIves@H_323_0@ SaId we'd be Forever babY gIrl don't YoU remember@H_323_0@ If thIs Is a dream I jUst wanna lose mYself@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When YoU woUld Smile and sIgh@H_323_0@ When YoU woUld crY and I woUld Cherish everY precIoUs moment spent wIth YoU@H_323_0@ Cos gIrl I love YoU so mUch Yes I love YoU so mUch gIrl@H_323_0@ GIrl I love YoU so mUch I

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