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What's Going On

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 方大同 / This Love Live 2007There's too manY of YoU crYIng@H_234_0@ And brother, brother, there's for too manY of YoU dYIng@H_234_0@ YoU know YoU've got to fInd a waY@H_234_0@ To brIng back love here todaY@H_234_0@ Brother, brother, there's no need to escalate@H_234_0@ YoU see, war Is not the answer@H_234_0@ For Only love can conqUer hate@H_234_0@ YoU know we've got to fInd a waY@H_234_0@ BrIng It back when we're here todaY@H_234_0@ PIcket lInes and pIcket sIgns@H_234_0@ Don't pUnIsh me wIth brUtalItY@H_234_0@ JUst talk to me so YoU can see, HeY,@H_234_0@ What's goIng on, what's goIng on@H_234_0@ What's goIng on, Yeah, what's goIng on, hah,@H_234_0@ Mother, mother, everYBody thInks we@H_234_0@ Re wrongnd who are theY to jUdge Us@H_234_0@ JUst becaUse oUr haIr Is long@H_234_0@ YoU know we've got to fInd a waY@H_234_0@ To brIng some UnderstandIng todaY, HeY…@H_234_0@ YoU know we've got to fInd a waY@H_234_0@ BrIng back some lovIng here todaY@H_234_0@ PIcket lInes and pIcket sIgns@H_234_0@ Don't pUnIsh me wIth brUtalItY@H_234_0@ JUst talk to me so YoU can see, HeY,@H_234_0@ What's goIng on, tell me

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