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One By One

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / F4 / One BY One - F4
WrItten bY:Dave Rowlands
It easY when It comes as no sUprIse
Is UnderlYIng IntensIon In theIr eYes
Beneath the sUckle Under tone YoU'll fInd
The sIlent Is jUst the InstInct to sUrvIve
Do YoU read aboUt the one who's staY alIve
The absense of eXperIence Is clear
The UnderlIne In scent and hIs fear
SUrroUnded bY the fIctIon In there lIfe
Protected bY the fools who qUestIon whY
And who decIde the faIth of YoU And I
One bY one to folLow I'm so blInd Yes lIke she
WIthoUt the comment sends to fInd
The trUth that hIgh as smoke screen dIce
The walk come scrUted bY theIr lIe
WhY haaaaa
DeceptIon feeds the Innosence and free
JUstIfY It self to YoU and me
And who am I to qUestIon what theY feel
When no It's Only hIs what we need to hear
What he saY when to dIsappear
One bY one to folLow I'm so blInd Yes lIke she
WIthoUt the comment sends to fInd
The trUth that hIgh as smoke screen dIce ooohhh
The other comes to stand thIs sIde I praY
YoU make so one wIth breathless heart agaIn
Then don't ask for sentence ment Instead ooohh
So move YoUr accent move It down the lIne
All YoUr feel at back of mInd
One bY one to folLow I'm so blInd Yes lIke she
WIthoUt the comment sends to fInd
The trUth that hIgh as smoke screen dIce ooohhh
One bY one to folLow I'm so blInd Yes lIke she
WIthoUt the comment sends to fInd
The trUth that hIgh as smoke screen dIce ooohhh
The walk come scrUted bY theIr lIes

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