Sing For The Moment
歌词来源专辑:欧美男歌手 / Eminem / The Eminem ShowSo theY sIt and theY crY at nIght wIshIn theY dIe
TIll theY throw on a rap record and theY sIt and theY vIbe
We're nothIn' to YoU bUt we the f**kIn' sh*t In theY eYes
That's whY we sIeze @R_532_816@ Try to freeze It and own It
SqUeeze It and hold It 'cUz we consIder these mInUtes golden
And maYbe theY'll admIt It when we're gone
JUst let oUr spIrIts lIve on throUgh oUr lYrIcs that YoU hear In oUr songs
And we can-
C`mon SIng wIth me (SIng )
SIng for the Year (SIng It )
SIng for the laUghter
SIng for the tear (C`mon )
SIng It wIth me
JUst for todaY
MaYbe Tomorrow
The good Lord wIll take YoU awaY
C`mon SIng wIth me (SIng )
SIng for the Year (SIng It )
SIng for the laUghter
SIng for the tear (C`mon )
SIng It wIth me
JUst for todaY
MaYbe Tomorrow
The good Lord wIll take YoU awaY
TIll theY throw on a rap record and theY sIt and theY vIbe
We're nothIn' to YoU bUt we the f**kIn' sh*t In theY eYes
That's whY we sIeze @R_532_816@ Try to freeze It and own It
SqUeeze It and hold It 'cUz we consIder these mInUtes golden
And maYbe theY'll admIt It when we're gone
JUst let oUr spIrIts lIve on throUgh oUr lYrIcs that YoU hear In oUr songs
And we can-
C`mon SIng wIth me (SIng )
SIng for the Year (SIng It )
SIng for the laUghter
SIng for the tear (C`mon )
SIng It wIth me
JUst for todaY
MaYbe Tomorrow
The good Lord wIll take YoU awaY
C`mon SIng wIth me (SIng )
SIng for the Year (SIng It )
SIng for the laUghter
SIng for the tear (C`mon )
SIng It wIth me
JUst for todaY
MaYbe Tomorrow
The good Lord wIll take YoU awaY
《Sing For The Moment》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
Paul Rosenbeeg (Skit)
Paul Rosenbeeg (Skit)
Homicide (Clean)
Venom (Clean) (《毒液:致命守护者》电影插曲)
Bang (Explicit)
Curtains Close (Skit)
My Dad's Gone Crazy
'Till I Collapse (《铁甲钢拳》电影插曲)
Say What You Say
Steve Berman (Skit)
Sing For The Moment
Paul Rosenbeeg (Skit)
Without Me
Say Goodbye Hollywood
The Kiss (Skit)
Square Dance
Cleanin Out My Closet
White America
Rabbit Run (Explicit) (《8英里》电影插曲)
Battle (Explicit) (《8英里》电影插曲)
That's My Ni**a Fo Real (Explicit) (《8英...
R A K I M (Explicit) (《8英里》电影插曲)
Wasting My Time (《8英里》电影插曲)
Wanksta (Explicit) (《8英里》电影插曲)
U Wanna Be Me (Explicit) (《8英里》电影插曲)
Time Of My Life (《8英里》电影插曲)
Spit Shine (Explicit) (《8英里》电影插曲)
8 Miles And Running (Explicit) (《8英里》电影...