不爱我就拉倒 (DJ版)
歌词来源专辑:抖音歌曲 / 抖音歌曲 / 抖音神曲2018
Go back
So let's go back I alwaYs make YoU of
To the fortress where we foUnd oUr hIdden power
To the @R_231_1908@ tIme of 2005
When we were stIll alIve
So let's go back to the pIctUres where I alwaYs make YoU of
To the fortress where we foUnd oUr hIdden power
To the @R_231_1908@ tIme of 2005
When we were stIll alIve
When we were stIll alIve
Go back
So let's go back I alwaYs make YoU of
To the fortress where we foUnd oUr hIdden power
To the @R_231_1908@ tIme of 2005
When we were stIll alIve
So let's go back to the pIctUres where I alwaYs make YoU of
To the fortress where we foUnd oUr hIdden power
To the @R_231_1908@ tIme of 2005
When we were stIll alIve
When we were stIll alIve
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