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With You

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 窦靖童 / With YouI saY YoU are crazY bUt I know that It Is trUe
That If there was a @R_231_1850@ I woUld spend wIth YoU

WIth YoU
YoU saY YoU're down what's on YoUr mInd
I saY NothIng bUt I am hYpnotIzed
BUt woUld thIs moment last @R_231_1850@ @R_231_1850@

I know YoU're scare of what the fUtUre holds
Don't get me wrong caUse I do too
BUt rIght now I can tell YoU
YoU don't have to fear
CaUse YoU And I are lIke the leaves and fLower
WIthoUt YoU I can't lIve for an hoUr
I saY YoU are crazY bUt I know that It Is trUe
That If there was a @R_231_1850@ I woUld spend wIth YoU

WIth YoU

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River Run