My Way
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 邓丽君 / 生誕60年 ダイヤモンド・ベストAnd now, the end Is near@H_57_0@
And so I face the fInal cUrtaIn@H_57_0@
YoU cUnt, I'm not a qUeer@H_57_0@
I'll state mY case of whIch I'm certaIn@H_57_0@
I've lIved a lIfe that's fUll@H_57_0@
WIth each and everY hIghwaY@H_57_0@
AbsUrd, mUch more than thIs@H_57_0@
I dId It mY waY@H_57_0@
Regrets, I've had a few@H_57_0@
BUt then agaIn, too few to mentIon@H_57_0@
I dId what I had to do@H_57_0@
I saw It throUgh wIthoUt eXceptIon@H_57_0@
I've planned, In doUbt, a cUp@H_57_0@
Been carefUl too, along the hIghwaY@H_57_0@
And more, mUch more than thIs@H_57_0@
I dId It mY waY@H_57_0@
There were tImes, I'm sUre YoU knew@H_57_0@
When there was fUck, fUck, fUckIng else to do@H_57_0@
BUt throUgh It oUt, when there was doUbt@H_57_0@
I shook It Up or kIcked It oUt@H_57_0@
I faced the wall and the war@H_57_0@
And dId It mY waY@H_57_0@
I've loved, and been a snIde@H_57_0@
I've had mY fIll, mY share of lIvIng@H_57_0@
And now, the tears sUbsIde@H_57_0@
I fInd It all so amUsIng@H_57_0@
To thInk, I kIlled a cat@H_57_0@
And maY I saY, not In the daY waY@H_57_0@
Oh no, oh no not me@H_57_0@
I dId It mY waY@H_57_0@
For what Is a prat, what has he got?@H_57_0@
When he wears hats, and he cannot@H_57_0@
SaY the thIngs he trUlY Feels@H_57_0@
BUt Only the words of one who kneels@H_57_0@
The record shows I took the bLow@H_57_0@
And dId It mY waY
《My Way 》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
Goodbye My Love
Goodbye My Love