歌词来源专辑:欧美男歌手 / Darin / DarinCame to do mY thIng I aIn't never gonna stop
Step bY step I made It to the top
Here's mY soUnd and here's mY steps
TIme to get Up move wIth me
From town to town
I'll brIng YoU mY kInda partY
Let Us make hIstorY
If YoU down wIth It jUst go wIth It
Move throw them Up pUt YoUr hands Up to the sealIng
Move shake It Up don't YoU Try to hIde that feelIng
Move front to back them sIde to sIde we're leanIng
Move YoU want It YoU'll get It
I'm gonna make YoU move
Ahh ahh YoU can do thIs ahh ahh now folLow me
If YoU feel thIs groove jUst show It
RIght here rIght now let's do It
JUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp
Step bY step I made It to the top
Here's mY soUnd and here's mY steps
TIme to get Up move wIth me
From town to town
I'll brIng YoU mY kInda partY
Let Us make hIstorY
If YoU down wIth It jUst go wIth It
Move throw them Up pUt YoUr hands Up to the sealIng
Move shake It Up don't YoU Try to hIde that feelIng
Move front to back them sIde to sIde we're leanIng
Move YoU want It YoU'll get It
I'm gonna make YoU move
Ahh ahh YoU can do thIs ahh ahh now folLow me
If YoU feel thIs groove jUst show It
RIght here rIght now let's do It
JUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp jUmp
Step Up下一个歌词
Step Up下一个歌词
Finns inga ord
Allt som vi sa
Palmerna i stan
Man över bord
Den här sången
Alla ögon på mig
Ja må du leva
Rädda mig
Nobody Knows
That Love
Same Old Song
Give Me Tonight
Check You Out
F Your Love
What It's Like
Before I Pass Out
Playing With Fire
I'll Be Alright
Can't Stop Love
OK (Dangerous Game)
Endless Summer
Viva la Vida