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My Private Christmas Song

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈奕迅 / Stranger Under My SkinWell thIs ChrIstmas,

I am FallIng lIke snowflakes at YoUr door

As mY gUardIan angel sIngIng for @R_953_1575@ else

EternItY stIngs, when love has tUrned Into paIn

Woo 'love' mUst be somethIng I Don't deserve

ThIs Is mY prIvate ChrIstmas Song

All the @R_164_1525@ are fadIng Snow tUrns to raIn

As tonIght, I am cravIng for those endless kIsses

A melodY wrItten for @R_953_1575@

jUst as a chIld has Its parents

ThIs song Is somethIng YoU never care for

Well ThIs Is MY PrIvate ChrIstmas song

ThIs Is MY PrIvate ChrIstmas Song

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