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Castle on the Hill

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈以桐 / Castle on the Hill
BUt I can't waIt to go home
I'm On My Way

DrIvIng at 90 down those coUn@R_423_4187@ lanes

SIngIng to TInY Dancer
@R_616_1273@ mIss the waY YoU make me feel @R_616_1273@t's real
We watched the sUnset over the castle on the hIll

Over the castle on the hIll

Over the castle on the hIll
Jason Chen/TIffanY Alvord:
One frIend left to sell clothes

One works down bY the coast
One had two kIds bUt lIves alone

One's brother overdosed

One's alreadY on hIs second wIfe

One's jUst barelY gettIng bY
BUt these people raIsed me
@R_616_1273@ can't waIt to go home
@R_616_1273@'m On My Way I stIll remember
These old coUn@R_423_4187@ lanes

When we dId not know the answers
@R_616_1273@ mIss the waY YoU make me feel It's real
We watched the sUnset over the castle on the hIll

Over the castle on the hIll

Over the castle on the hIll

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