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Love The Way You Lie

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈以桐 / The Covers, Vol. 1And people saYIn' I'll never make It
BUt I jUst Use It as fUel to mY heart
To keep ImprovIng
Race wIll never be the Reason I'm not sUcceedIng
Nor wIll I ever sell mYself short or settle less than I'm deservIn'
CUz I've pUt In mY heart And I've pUt In mY soUl
And I've alwaYs belIeved that I woUld make It thIs far
And If I'm down and hUrt
Are YoU
JUst gonna stand there and watch me bUrn

That's all rIght

BecaUse I lIke the waY It hUrts

JUst gonna stand there and hear me crY

That's all rIght becaUse I love the waY YoU lIe

I love the waY YoU lIe
Road @R_557_1513@ throUgh the storm
Whatever weather cold or warm
JUst let YoU know that YoU're not alone
Holla If YoU feel lIke YoU've been down the same road

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Tong Hua
Just The Way You Are