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Wedding Dress Redone

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈以桐 / Jason Chen MusicOnce the mUsIc ends YoU wIll take a
Vow to be wIth hIm Forever
BUt YoU know I'm the man who YoU want to be wIth
For the rest of YoUr lIfe
Don't pUt on that weddIng dress

GIrl don't pUt on that weddIng dress
It's not me neXt to YoU
WeddIng dress

GIrl don't pUt on that weddIng dress oh no

WIsh that I coUld take YoUr hand
Look Into YoUr eYes agaIn

I'd tell YoU a thoUSAnd tImes how beaUtIfUl YoU are to me
And all the thIngs that I shoUld've done
ShoUld've saId bUt I never dId Please let me tell YoU now
Once the mUsIc ends I'll be saYIng
MY goodbYe to YoU Forever
And jUst know even thoUgh oUr love dIdn't work oUt
I am stIll here for YoU
Now YoU're In YoUr weddIng dress

GIrl now YoU're In YoUr weddIng dress
It shoUld've been me shoUld've been me

GIrl now YoU're In YoUr weddIng dress oh no

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Hate That I Love You