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He Wasn't Man Enough

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈小春 / 合辑(2008年发行) @H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ He Wasn't Man EnoUgh / TonI BraXton 不是个男人 / 唐妮布蕾斯顿@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ DarkchIld, oh Yeah@H_579_0@ TonI BraXton, oh@H_579_0@ Ha-ha, Uh-hUh@H_579_0@ Yeah, Uh, Uh@H_579_0@ DarkchIld Yeah@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ Who do YoU thInk I am?@H_579_0@ Don't YoU know that he was mY man?@H_579_0@ BUt I chose to let hIm go@H_579_0@ So whY do YoU act lIke I stIll care aboUt hIm?@H_579_0@ LookIng at me lIke I'm hUrt@H_579_0@ When I'm the one who saId I dIdn't want It to work@H_579_0@ Don't YoU forget I had hIm fIrst?@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ Whatcha' thInkIng?@H_579_0@ Stop blamIng me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ If YoU don't know now, here's YoUr chance@H_579_0@ I've alreadY had YoUr man@H_579_0@ Do YoU wonder jUst where he's been, Yeah@H_579_0@ And I'd be worrIed aboUt hIm@H_579_0@ Now It's tIme YoU know the trUth@H_579_0@ I thInk he's jUst the man for YoU@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ What are YoU thInkIng@H_579_0@ Do YoU know aboUt Us back then@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I dUmped YoUr hUsband@H_579_0@ @R_332_1167@,@H_579_0@ I'm not thInkIng 'boUt hIm@H_579_0@ BUt YoU marrIed hIm@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I made hIm leave@H_579_0@ Do YoU know he begged to staY, wIth me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ DIdn't he tell YoU the trUth@H_579_0@ If not, then whY don't YoU ask hIm@H_579_0@ And maYbe YoU coUld be more Into hIm@H_579_0@ Instead of worrYIng 'boUt me@H_579_0@ And hopefUllY, YoU won't fInd@H_579_0@ All of the @R_216_2052@s whY hIs love dIdn't coUnt@H_579_0@ And whY we coUldn't work It oUt@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ Whatcha' thInkIng?@H_579_0@ Stop blamIng me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ If YoU don't know now, here's YoUr chance@H_579_0@ I've alreadY had YoUr man@H_579_0@ Do YoU wonder jUst where he's been, Yeah@H_579_0@ And I'd be worrIed aboUt hIm@H_579_0@ Now It's tIme YoU know the trUth@H_579_0@ I thInk he's jUst the man for YoU@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ What are YoU thInkIng@H_579_0@ Do YoU know aboUt Us back then@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I dUmped YoUr hUsband@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ @R_332_1167@,@H_579_0@ I'm not thInkIng 'boUt hIm@H_579_0@ BUt YoU marrIed hIm@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I made hIm leave@H_579_0@ Do YoU know he begged to staY, wIth me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ What are YoU thInkIng@H_579_0@ Do YoU know aboUt Us back then@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I dUmped YoUr hUsband@H_579_0@ @R_332_1167@,@H_579_0@ I'm not thInkIng 'boUt hIm@H_579_0@ BUt YoU marrIed hIm@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I made hIm leave@H_579_0@ Do YoU know he begged to staY, wIth me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ So manY @R_216_2052@s whY oUr love Is throUgh@H_579_0@ What makes YoU thInk he'll be good To You@H_579_0@ It makes no sense@H_579_0@ 'CaUse he wIll never change@H_579_0@ GIrl YoU better recognIze the game@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ What are YoU thInkIng@H_579_0@ Do YoU know aboUt Us back then@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I dUmped YoUr hUsband@H_579_0@ @R_332_1167@,@H_579_0@ I'm not thInkIng 'boUt hIm@H_579_0@ BUt YoU marrIed hIm@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I made hIm leave@H_579_0@ Do YoU know he begged to staY, wIth me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ What are YoU thInkIng@H_579_0@ Do YoU know aboUt Us back then@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I dUmped YoUr hUsband@H_579_0@ @R_332_1167@,@H_579_0@ I'm not thInkIng 'boUt hIm@H_579_0@ BUt YoU marrIed hIm@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I made hIm leave@H_579_0@ Do YoU know he begged to staY, wIth me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me@H_579_0@ @H_579_0@ What are YoU thInkIng@H_579_0@ Do YoU know aboUt Us back then@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I dUmped YoUr hUsband@H_579_0@ @R_332_1167@,@H_579_0@ I'm not thInkIng 'boUt hIm@H_579_0@ BUt YoU marrIed hIm@H_579_0@ Do YoU know I made hIm leave@H_579_0@ Do YoU know he begged to staY, wIth me@H_579_0@ He wasn't man enoUgh for me

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