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Every Loser Wins

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 陈淑桦 / 往日情怀We nearlY made It@H_23_0@ We nearlY foUnd the perfect combInatIon@H_23_0@ The road was rIght@H_23_0@ We mUst have read the sIgns wrong@H_23_0@ And now It's all gone@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ BUt If we'd made It, coUld we be sUre that@H_23_0@ It was for the better@H_23_0@ Who coUld saY we woUld have staYed Together@H_23_0@ nothIng Is certaIn, In a changIng world@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ EverY loser wIns, once the dream beGins@H_23_0@ In tIme YoU'll see, fate holds The Key@H_23_0@ and everY loser knows, the Light the tUnnel shows@H_23_0@ WIll shIne on YoU and all those who knew YoU@H_23_0@ We nearlY made It@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ BUt sUddenlY we seem to stop and lose oUr waY@H_23_0@ BUt dId It reallY matter anYwaY@H_23_0@ For that was YesterdaY, and we mUst lIve for now@H_23_0@ @R_304_1516@ and coUnt me,and those on mY sIde@H_23_0@ @R_304_1516@ and coUnt me, and those who belIeve@H_23_0@ we can make It

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