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Nighttide Allure

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 陈珊妮 / What If It MattersThe nIght has come when love and tenderness were In a fog
YoU came alone and shed YoUr warmth on everYone YoU foUnd
EnvIoUs eYes were prYIng rIght Into hIs eYes
To pleasantlY laYIng a trap of love
I'm waItIng to seIze YoUr love

ContemptIble In a glass of wIne I hIde mY heart and soUl
IrresIstIble he fell for me Inder mY masqUerade
EnvIoUs eYes were prYIng rIght Into hIs eYes
To pleasantlY laYIng a trap of love
I'm waItIng to seIze YoUr love
EnvIoUs eYes
To see hIm rIght throUgh In hIs mInd
To pleasantlY laYIng a trap of love
I'm goIng to get YoUr love

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