Love Paradise
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 陈慧琳 / Stylish IndexYoU're alwaYs on mY mInd@H_236_0@
All daY jUst all the tIme@H_236_0@
YoU're everYthIng to me@H_236_0@
BrIghtest star to let me see@H_236_0@
YoU toUch me In mY dreams@H_236_0@
We kIss In everY scene@H_236_0@
I praY to be wIth YoU@H_236_0@
throUgh raIn and shInY daYs@H_236_0@
I'll love YoU TIll I dIe@H_236_0@
Deep as sea WIde as skY@H_236_0@
The beaUtY of oUr love paInts raInbows@H_236_0@
EverYwhere we go@H_236_0@
Need YoU all mY lIfe@H_236_0@
YoU're mY hope YoU're mY prIde@H_236_0@
In YoUr arms I fInd mY heaven@H_236_0@
In YoUr eYes mY sea and skY@H_236_0@
MaY lIfe be oUr love paradIse@H_236_0@
YoU're alwaYs on mY mInd@H_236_0@
All daY jUst all the tIme@H_236_0@
YoU're everYthIng to me@H_236_0@
BrIghtest star to let me see@H_236_0@
YoU toUch me In mY dreams@H_236_0@
We kIss In everY scene@H_236_0@
I praY to be wIth YoU@H_236_0@
throUgh raIn and shInY daYs@H_236_0@
I'll love YoU TIll I dIe@H_236_0@
Deep as sea WIde as skY@H_236_0@
The beaUtY of oUr love paInts raInbows@H_236_0@
EverYwhere we go@H_236_0@
Need YoU all mY lIfe@H_236_0@
YoU're mY hope YoU're mY prIde@H_236_0@
In YoUr arms I fInd mY heaven@H_236_0@
In YoUr eYes mY sea and skY@H_236_0@
MaY lIfe be oUr love paradIse
《Love Paradise》歌词由歌词大全收集整理