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Tanning In Your Sunray

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈光荣 / 頭文字[イニシャル]D THE MOVIE SOUND TUNEChIllIng In the love shack
@H_162_1@SummertIme, nUmber 9
@H_162_1@EverY tIme, I thInk, mY dreams come trUe
@H_162_1@Here we-o tIme
@H_162_1@NearlY everYthIng mIne
@H_162_1@Get In LIne, wIth the thIngs for YoU
@H_162_1@What tIme wIll for YoU be here now?
@H_162_1@It''s a qUarter past 7 now
@H_162_1@en-heng.And I''m waItIng for YoU
@H_162_1@What cha gonna do?
@H_162_1@When It hIts YoU
@H_162_1@YoU and me, I
@H_162_1@Hold back mY shIne
@H_162_1@When I realIze
@H_162_1@I''m gettIng mY tannIng YoUr SUnraY
@H_162_1@And we see
@H_162_1@ThroUgh the mIrror
@H_162_1@That YoU got me
@H_162_1@ThInkIng clearer
@H_162_1@And I''m gonna be Under YoUr skIes I''ll staY

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