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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 成龙 / シャングリ・ラYoU know, we fell In love on the fIrst nIght we met
We sneaked oUt of the partY
Under the moon@R_457_2254@ we walked hand In hand
NeIther one of Us coUld saY good bYe
TIme passed so qUIcklY
When we kIssed goodnIght,
It was almost foUr o'clock In the mornIng
Do YoU remember how we kIssed and how we Danced?

(Hold me) Yes I wIll
(Love me, feel so good tonIght)
(Hold me) YoU look so lovelY and Innocent
(I'd love to...)
(Now YoU make mY dream come trUe)
(Tell me, My Love) I love YoU, mY dear
(I'd love to. . . )
(Now YoU make mY dream come trUe)
(WhY don't YoU Dance?) I'd love to...

(Hold me, love me...)


Just for Tonight
Wait For Me